The St. Louis County Democratic Party is taking a new approach to Missouri politics. We’re fighting back and organizing for future elections! Join our efforts to knock doors and turn out voters. Finally, we vote in Democrats who will defend our voice in our government!

Who We Are

The Democratic National Committee in partnership with the Missouri Democratic Party are committed to electing Democrats everywhere – from the school board to the Oval Office. We’re mobilizing voters starting with you.

Democratic National Committee

Missouri Democratic Party

Our Townships

Democratic Township Clubs are local party organizations unique to St. Louis County, similar to the ward organizations in St. Louis City. Clubs keep the community involved and informed through the year and support our candidates during their campaigns.

Your township club and officers

Voter Outreach

The cornerstone of our democracy is our vote. Democrats win through grit and communication with our neighbors and today we use online platforms to organize. Every election rests on interactions and reminding voters about the issues. Get an ActionID account to knock doors and make calls to voters with our online platforms.

Show Me Actions

From food drives and community service, to voter registration, and collecting signatures to put issues on the ballot, Democrats around St. Louis County work hard to show we care all year long. Sign up for a Mobilize account to see what we’re doing to better our community.

Building Community

The Democratic Party is made up of individuals like you trying to work towards our dreams, raising a family, and sometime struggling on that journey. This is why we are organized as a party. We tell our shared experiences and unite for the change we deserve. Democrats understand We the People means all of us, together. Our events are our way of expressing our shared desire for change.

Visit our community service page to learn more about our efforts.

Voting Matters

In 2022, almost every Republican in the legislature voted to change Missouri’s laws around elections. They stopped the state from running the presidential primaries, changed voter ID laws, and are continuing to make it harder to vote. We fight back!

—> Register - Register to vote

—> Check your voter registration status

—> Polling location & line count

—> Volunteer - opportunities

St. Louis County Democratic Central Committee Urges a NO vote on Proposition B April 8

The Central Committee overwhelmingly voted March 20 against Prop B. We joined the NAACP of St. Louis County, St. Louis Labor Council/AFL-CIO, Greater St. Louis, Inc., and the St. Louis County Board of Police Commissioners in asking for voters to choose no on this overreach of power by the County Council.

Follow us on social media and sign up for our weekly newsletter for additional information.